7 months of Baivaru Things
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7 months of Baivaru Things

It’s a bot. It's a lot. It's a way of living.
7 months of Baivaru Things

Whoosh! It's already been seven months? What have we done? As the name suggests, A LOT!

The core team has been extended to a few more members. We got a COO, Yushau(Tiashe) and a new Creative Director, Aiham. Our bots and projects have increased and we are getting more and more users every day.

BaivaruBot - Due to the increase in the people who use the bot, we had to move to a more efficient and stable platform. Our Node-RED nodes have been completely moved and restructured into a very stable Pyrogram code base. Our CTO, Athfan has created skeletons for both inline and bot usage.

BaivaruRequests - We have been trying to add more and more content that users can request. With that in mind we have been automating almost all requests. The requests are to be sent in a specific format, to be added to a database by the admins, and later updated by the content updaters. The whole database is stored in a MongoDB stored in our bot server (code name: BumbleBee)

BaivaruVaahaka - With initiative from our COO Yushau, a new channel for books have been created. This channel will mainly focus on providing novels to youngsters and also books for students.

Megatron - Iyad has worked really hard and released MegatronV2. Megatron has been used by over 100 users per day. The download/upload bandwidth is more than 1TB per day (yes more than 1000GB!). The bot supports several sites including YouTube, Openload and direct file downloads. Currently, the bot is down due to our servers not being able to handle the high number of requests.

Top 10 days of usage for Megatron in August

BaivaruPlaces - Our second project, that was initiated to Map Addu has been reborn with a Laravel backend to manage the requests and a new bot that let people contribute to our database.

Baivaru Tech Tips - We have introduced a group to help and discuss tech related issues and programming. The group is intended to help new developers with the knowledge we have.

Viber - We now have the capability to develop bots for Viber as well. Iyad has worked hard to port most of the RoanuEdhuru core features to Viber and Megatron's Youtube download features as well.

Technical Upgrades - We now have a seperate servers for all our bots, a dedicated server for Megatron, a server for our web apps.

What's next? A lot! Our application developers have been testing a few demos for iOS and Android. Apps that maybe released in the future for our projects to come.

With the current capabilities we have in Telegram and Viber, we are looking forward to improve our services and move on to new platforms in the upcoming weeks.

It's been a very happening few months and I would like to thank each and every member of our team. Yushau, for keeping us all motivated, reminding the tasks and handling all team members. Iyad for the sudden developments out of nowhere and the cool ideas to keep our team more diverse. Athfan, for developing standards for our bot code and web apps for admin tasks. Aiham and Shamikh for the great logos and designs. Aatishi, for helping us out on BaivaruVaahaka and BaivaruMusic. Anim, for keeping up the appearances, making sure our groups stay peaceful and the random jokes. And of course, all of our moderators.

Much more to come from Baivaru in the upcoming months. Thank you, all the subscribers, users and the moderators in all our groups and channels.

Check out the list of our services in our telegram channel, Baivaru