Cat to Meow
Cat is love. Meow is life.
I was waiting for some Cloudflare records to propagate when my friend Athfan suggested that I make a tutorial on how to change cat to meow. WTF!?
Four hours later...
I realized he was talking about bash aliases.
Mission: Create a bash alias for cat
and make it meow
1. Linux installed computer.
2. Basic haxor skills (you know, echo, cat, source and all those fun stuff)
3. General Knowledge about the universe.
Very complicated stuff.
sike you thought
It's actually very simple.
echo -e "\nalias meow='cat'" >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc
We will just pipe a new line and the alias into bashrc and use source to load bashrc into the shell.
If you want to learn more, contact me on Telegram (@phoenixatom)