Year in a Post (2019)

Twenty Nineteen has been an adventurous and wonderful year. From personal growth to professional growth, I'll say it has been an year of success.

This is going to be long. Go get a cup of tea, sit down and turn on your bullshit filter (lots of bs in this post).

Malaysia: It's been busy and tiring. But at the same time, fun and exciting. Learned quite a lot (the sole reason why I am here in the first place lol), met new people and tried some new things.  One semester done, five more to go!

Baivaru: I write about Baivaru a lot, probably because I am happy with how it turned out. A hardworking team who never give up on something started (bs). I won't be naming names, but thank you all for sticking by and making Baivaru a success.

From 0 subscribers to 2696 subscribers when I type this, Baivaru Media has been growing at a rapid speed (figure 1 for proof). Our other channels and groups have seen potential growth through out the year as well.

We have recently introduced the option to directly download and stream the files as well. Yes, we listen to your opinions (bs).

Figure 1. Baivaru Media Subscriber's Trend

You are still reading? Keep going!

I have quietly quit PUBG Mobile and moved on to games like Counter Strike, Paladins and FIFA (PC Master Race). Not good at any of these but I TRYHARD. Since I suck at gaming, my contribution to gaming will come in the form of managing. We are going to do our best to properly introduce Baivaru ESports next year with full rosters for several games including PUBGM, CSGO, Paladins, R6S, FIFA and PES. I'm not promising anything but I may even play one of the games.

As far as work goes, I have worked in Javaabu on two separate occasions this year. Both of those times, I enjoyed the support, guidance and experience gained from their team. Javaabu truly is an example to all the Maldivian companies. Good luck to Javaabu and team on their endeavors.

Many thanks goes to the usual list of people. My parents and siblings, Kulhiboakiba, Baivaru Team, my house mates, friends at Uni, One South and ParkHill boys/girls and everyone for tolerating me through out the year.

Especially you (you know who you are), for listening to my rants, giving me good advice, making me try new things, reminding me to do things on time and getting excited for everything I do. Thank you for always being so supportive. Yes, you! You have been the best part of my 2019.

My plans for twenty twenty (2020) are quite ambitious. I won't reveal them all but you will be hearing and seeing me a bit more. With just a few days left for 2020, my plans and Baivaru team's projects will be revealed soon. I am really excited for 2020.

Did you read up to here? Well done! Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to read my nonsense. Comment on my Facebook post for your medal!

Enjoy the last few days of the decade! Time is an illusion but don't waste it!